Absolut contest that took place during the pandemic where more than 230 artists competed with each other by digitally inverting the bottle that they uploaded to their networks on instagram.
in the video you can see the flyer I made to present the contest.
In the first stage, the best 20 were selected so that later people can choose the winner by phone.
The winner was Francisco Capeletti with his design of the Octopus in the bottle.

Concurso Absolut que se desarrolló durante la pandemia donde más de 150 artistas compitieron entre si inverviniendo digitalmente la botella que subían a sus redes.
en el video pueden ver el flyer que hice para presentar el concurso.
En la primera etapa se seleccioné los mejores 20 para que después la gente pueda elegir el o la ganadora mediante su telefono.
El ganador fué Francisco Capeletti con su diseño del Pulpo en la botella.