New York 2023

Valentin Gatica - 2023 Exhibition
'' Series 'I'M CHORI'
New York - 340 E 64th - Chashama Gallery

For some time now, I have been working on a concept that seeks to create an allegory
between advertising and art, using advertising resources to compose the artwork.
To maintain the non-literal approach that I have been cultivating for several years,
I have created my own language inspired by symbols, fonts,
and signs from various ethnic groups.

By blending the captivating elements of advertising with art,
I aim to merge their beautiful features and transcend their boundaries.
This exploration allows me to establish a unique visual dialogue that
challenges conventional notions of representation and encourages viewers
to interpret the artworks in their own subjective ways.


*The term "Chori" refers to the Argentinean Choripan, a popular culinary masterpiece
consisting of minced pork and beef marinated with spices,
traditionally enjoyed between bread.

For this serie, "I'm Chori" replaces "I'm sorry" to represent a reflection
on whether we consume or empathise with the world—perhaps both simultaneously.
It invites us to explore a different linguistic and cultural identity and reflect:

Will we eat the world or feel sorry for it?

Or both?