Mural Hungria

Mural for the municipality of Szentgotthard - Hungary, inspired by the Rába River.
In it I described in an abstract way its flora, fauna, its alteration and main activities, such as fishing and hydropower.

The mural has a length of 42x3 meters and is the first of several murals that will be made along the River and is located in the heart of the town. The buildings and the tower that can be seen from behind belong to a historic part of the city where in previous years it functioned as an industrial factory. It is expected that within two years it will function as a cultural center to exhibit and make new continental and intercontinental residences.


Mural para el municipio de Szentgotthard - Hungria, inspirado en el Río Rába.
En el describí de una manera abstracta su flora, fauna, su alteración y actividades principales, como la pesca y la hidroenergia.

El mural tiene una largo de 42x3 metros y es el primero de varios murales q se van a realizar a lo largo del Río y Está ubicado en pleno centro del pueblo. Los edificios y la torre que se ve x detrás pertenecen a una parte histórica de la ciudad donde años anteriores funcionaba como fábrica industrial. Se espera que para dentro de dos años funcione como centro cultural para exponer y hacer nuevas residencias continentales e intercontinentale